Miscanthus ‘Kleine Silberspinne’: tall, elegant and effortlessly stylish
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Silberspinne’ is a lovely tall ornamental grass with narrow mid-green and white leaves and feathery red-tinged flower heads in late summer. It provides superb textural interest and movement, and looks wonderful as part of a mixed planting scheme.
Growing to heights of 90-120cm tall, but only spreading to 30-45cm, this is a relatively compact Miscanthus which doesn’t take up too much room. It will grow in most soils providing they aren’t excessively wet, but prefers to be in a sunny position. The narrow leaves are mid-green but feature a prominent central white stripe, whilst the glorious flower inflorescences are silver/red in colour when fresh, gradually transitioning to a pale brown as summer fades into autumn.
A terrific grass in a mixed planting border, M. ‘Kleine Silberspinne’ can be used as an individual focal-point (ideally repeated intermittently in larger borders), or as an eye-catching drift of multiple plants. It is an excellent companion plant for a host of larger-leaved plants, including Cotinus ‘Royal Purple', Mahonia ‘Charity’ and Viburnum ‘Dawn’. For perennial companion planting, we would recommend Nepeta, Salvia, Verbena and Geum.
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Image credit: https://www.gardenersworld.com/plants/miscanthus-sinensis-kleine-silberspinne/