Garden design solutions: the best plants for adding more seasonal colour to your garden this year
Whilst we often find ourselves spending more time in our gardens during late spring and summer, a good garden should provide an abundance of colour and interest throughout the year. Seasonal interest is key to successful planting design, so here is our season-by-season guide to some of our favourite plants:
Every garden is enhanced by a generous selection of spring bulbs. Adding colour and cheer from late winter and throughout the spring, bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, snowdrops and crocus are a ‘must have’ in my book. Plant in groups and drifts for maximum impact, and grow a few more in pots and containers to brighten up paths and terraces. Spring bulbs tend to appear in our garden centres from early autumn, so let’s make a note in our diaries to stock up for next year’s display.
With so many of our favourite perennials in full glory during the summer months there really is no excuse not to be surrounded by colour and abundance. Our star perennials for long-lasting summer colour include Salvia, Geranium, Nepeta, Geum and Heuchera. For extra height and interest, we’ve got Verbena, Crocosmia, Foeniculum (fennel) and Digitalis (foxgloves). Allow them to drift throughout the garden for extra impact.
This is the season for breath-taking foliage colour. Shrubs such as Cotinus (smoke bush), Euonymus alatus (burning spindle) and Acer ‘Bloodgood’ (Japanese maple) all provide dramatic shades of red, orange and gold. If we have got room for a tree or two, we can add even more autumn colour with Ginkgo biloba, Acer griseum and Liquidamber sytraciflua (this one needs plenty of space so probably not suitable for smaller gardens).
When we can’t rely on flowers for colour then we can switch our attention to variegated evergreens and plants with colourful stems. Some species of holly have beautifully variegated leaves (Ilex ‘Golden King’ is fabulous), as do some Euonymus and Elaeagnus. The Cornus family of dogwoods are top of my list for colourful stems (C. ‘Sibirica’ and C. ‘Midwinter Fire’ are two of our favourites), but the stems of many Acers and Salix will also brighten up any winter garden.
Every garden is enhanced by a good variety of seasonal interest and colour, so why not see how you can ensure that your garden is more enjoyable throughout this year?
Tythorne Garden Design provides professional fixed-fee garden design solutions for customers in Grantham, Stamford, Newark and surrounding areas. Let's see how we can help you to enjoy your garden more. Call us on 07900 224 239 or 01529 455 355.