Dryopteris affinis: a majestic deciduous fern
Dryopteris affinis is a wonderful large fern for a shaded spot. Extremely architectural in appearance, it grows to 75-125cm tall and 50-75cm wide. It will grow in a variety of soil types and locations (including full sun if the ground is moist), but is most happy in partial shade.
Pale green in colour initially, the fronds transition to a darker green as they mature. Robust and erect in habit, they often stand strong right up until the frosts begin. The contrasting stems are brown in colour, and feature plentiful golden scales.
A lovely fern for a shaded corner of a garden, D. affinis looks great in naturalistic drifts alongside other shade-loving plants.
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Image credit: https://www.gardenersworld.com/plants/dryopteris-affinis/